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  • Writer's pictureMarci Guttenberg

Must-Have Wedding Business Resources: Elevate Your Wedding Business Today!

Must-Have Wedding Business Resources: Elevate Your Wedding Business Today!

Hey there, wedding pros! If you're looking to level up your wedding business, you’re in the right place. I've curated a list of my favorite must-have wedding business resources that will help you streamline your operations, stay organized, and impress your clients. Quick disclosure: Some of these links are affiliate links, which means if you click the link to purchase something, it won't cost you more, but I may receive a commission for sharing this with you. And honestly, I was going to share these gems with you anyway!

Take your business to the next level with Rock Paper Coin (RPC), a beautiful, simple, and fun way to send proposals, contracts, and invoices. This client resource management (CRM) tool offers the lowest fees on the market!

Setting up a new account or moving over from your existing one can feel daunting, but don't worry—RPC will take care of it complimentary! That's right, they'll handle the setup so you can focus on what you do best: creating memorable wedding experiences.

1st Year Free on RPC

Yes, you read that right! Enjoy 12 months with white glove onboarding, plus get 30 days to check out the platform with no pressure. Use code: MARCIG22 to get started.

Creating wedding timelines can be a headache, but not with Timeline Genius. This tool makes it a breeze to create wedding timelines, keeping you organized, confident, and calm.

First Month at Only $9

Use the link below to get your first month at just $9 and see how it can transform your workflow.

Benable is a fantastic platform for compiling and sharing your recommendations. It's perfect for creating sharable lists that your clients will love.

Start creating your own sharable lists:

Skip the Waitlist - Use Invite Code: XHCEH

Consistent content is key to staying top-of-mind with your audience. The Wedding Preneur Content Club delivers monthly content straight to your inbox, making it easy to keep your marketing fresh and engaging.

Snag a 2-Week Trial Free

Give it a try and see how it can keep your content game strong.

For those special touches, Shuler Studio offers creative custom monograms that can add a unique flair to your weddings. Their designs are perfect for personalizing everything from invitations to décor.

Creative Fabrica is a buy-and-sell platform for digital works, including fonts, graphics, and illustrations. It's a treasure trove for wedding professionals looking to add a creative edge to their projects.

Stay tuned for more details on these amazing resources that will help you manage your social media and client interactions with ease.


I hope you find these resources as invaluable as I do. Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your current operations, these tools can make a significant difference. Don’t forget to take advantage of the special offers and codes mentioned above!

Happy planning,

Marci Guttenberg

An Affair To Remember By Marci

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